< Go Back Latest News Experience the Power of Reiki: Introductory Free Lecture & Taster Session of Reiki Presented by Christine Gould, International Reiki Master Teacher on:
Sunday 9th February, 2025 at 2pm
Venue: The Dolls House, 35 Palmerston Road, Northampton, NN1 5EU
Come along to learn about and experience the therapeutic benefits of Reiki which is an ancient system of hands-on-healing. Reiki is available for anyone to learn in a single weekend, from aged 7 years and upwards. It is a versatile and comprehensive modality that is compatible with all beliefs and religions.
Reiki is the only complementary therapy that you can use as effectively on yourself as when treating others. It boosts energy levels, strengthens the immune system; relieves pain, stress and depression; enhances sleep, oxygenates cells and helps restore harmony between the mind, body and spirit.
During the lecture you'll be introduced to the metaphysical causation of injuries, illness and disease which provide insights about the underlying issues and associated emotions. Understanding the link between the mind and body helps to decode messages from within the body.
To reserve your free place please ring in advance: - 01604 624515
Reiki Level I Training Seminar Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March 2025
Venue: The Dolls House, Palmerston Mews, Northampton, NN1 5EU
Time: 9am - 6pm
Train in the original and authentic Usui Reiki system of manual healing with Fifth Generation, International Reiki Master Teacher, Christine Gould.
Reiki is a personally empowering energy renewal system that promotes:
physical healing mental tranquility emotional wellbeing spiritual clarity intuitive wisdom. In a single weekend, training is available to access and become a channel of an additional flow of Universal Life Force Energy known as Reiki. This requires experiencing 4 processes called 'attunements' or 'energy transfers'. Attunements are conducted on a one-to-one basis by the Reiki Master Teacher. They are the hallmark of Reiki and empower students to support themselves at any time of the day or night for the duration of life. Once attuned in Reiki, it can be applied wherever you are simply by engaging one or both hands on the body.
During the weekend students learn how to conduct a step-by-step treatment on themselves and others. They also learn how to apply Reiki in emergencies, for first aid, to treat their pets, animals and plants.
The curriculum also includes the history, philosophy and principles of Reiki. An integral part of the training is the metaphysical causation of illness which provides a fundamental philosophical basis to the practice of Reiki. Metaphysical insights help students register how unresolved issues from the past may manifest as health concerns. These theories are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine which teaches that every condition, injury or disease has a deep and significant meaning.
Discovering how to interpret messages from the body and make a link between unresolved issues and someone's emotional response to it, may promote a shift in consciousness. Gaining awareness and a clearer perspective is often the catalyst for change and healing. Combined with Reiki, symptoms often subside because the body no longer needs to keep sending messages to address former trauma.
Reiki is compatible with all beliefs and the only therapy that you can use as effectively on yourself as when treating others. It accelerates the body's unique capacity to repair, restore and heal. Reiki boosts energy levels, strengthens the immune system; relieves pain, stress and depression; enhances sleep, oxygenates cells and helps alleviate the side effects of medication.
'The essence of Reiki is purely and simply, unconditional love and gratitude - it's a gift that keeps on giving and lasts a lifetime!'
Reiki was rediscovered over a century ago by Dr Mikao Usui. After his death in 1926 Dr Chijuro Hayashi became the Usui Reiki Master and Teacher. He appointed Mrs Hawayo Takata as his successor knowing that she would preserve the sacred teachings and standards of Reiki. Her legacy continues through the 22 Reiki Master Teachers she created before her passing in 1980. John Harvey Gray and his first wife Beth Gray were two of the twenty two Reiki Masters thus were fourth in line to Dr Usui. Having trained with John Harvey Gray, this highlights Christine Gould's clear Reiki lineage and demonstrates she is fifth in line to Dr Usui.
If you are on a quest for an improved quality of life - search no further!
Contact Christine Gould to explore the potential to enhance your self-healing abilities, manifest your latent gifts and talents, develop your intuition and psychic abilities, embody a higher state of consciousness and align your reality with your spiritual path!
Tel: 01604 624515
Reiki II Extension Class Date: TBC: 10am - 4.30pm
Venue: The Dolls House, 35 Palmerston Road, Northampton, NN1 5EU
An empowering one-day cognitive behavioural workshop to learn dynamic and effective techniques to facilitate instant change.
Learn strategies to unlock and release blockages, stagnant emotions, limiting beliefs, vows and outdated agreements or judgements from the cellular level. Techniques can be applied both verbally and non-verbally on a daily basis and are an asset for all therapists.
Tel: 01604 624515
Mindfulness Meditation Date: TBC
Venue: The Dolls House, Palmerston mews, 35 Palmerston Road, Northampton NN1 5EU
Time: 2pm - 4pm
It is widely acknowledged that meditation promotes many physical and mental, therapeutic benefits.
Discover the fundamental aspects of meditation
Keys for relaxation, inner peace, health and wellbeing
Enrol for this FREE introductory talk when you'll have an opportunity to experience mindfulness meditation through sensory awareness.
Don't delay, reserve your free because seating is limited!
Telephone: 01604 624515
If you would like to know more about any of the aforementioned, we look forward to hearing from you very soon.
Reiki Level II - Advanced Training Seminar Date: TBC
Venue: The Dolls House, Palmerston Mews, Northampton, NN1 5EU
An optional 3-day class for Rei-ki Academy graduates who have completed the basic Reiki Level I training.
The Advanced techniques provide a wide range of empowering healing strategies to address anything and everything regardless of the time frame or dimension.
The curriculum includes learning three symbols so that you can:
(i) channel energy over distance for remote healing
(ii) increase the potency and flow of energy
(iii) establish dialogue telepathically to facilitate and amplify the recipients healing.
There are two further attunements which are much more complex.
An additional bonus is the potential for psychic and intuitive faculties to blossom.
Reiki Group Healing Time: 7pm - 9pm
Date: TBC
Venue: The Dolls House, Palmerston Mews, Northampton NN1 5EU
All Rei-ki Academy graduates are invited to attend and participate in group healing. It is an ideal opportunity to reconnect with like minded people, share stories, ask questions and allow others to Reiki your back!